Τόμος 29 (2015) – Τεύχος 1 – Άρθρο 1 – Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics- Διεθνής Έκδοση – Volume 29 (2015) – Issue 1 – Article 1 – Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics – International Edition


Correlation of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis with Thyroid Cancer: Is it a random Coexistence or a particular Risk Factor?

Author Catherine Kapnopoulou1, Nikolaos Thalassinos2, Despina Dessou2, Maria Venetikou2, Fragiski Anthouli-Anagnostopoulou2
Affilations 1Department of Public Health and Community Health, Unit of Community Health, 2Medical Laboratories, Technological Educational Institution of Athens (T.E.I.A.), Egaleo, Athens, Hellas
Citation Kapnopoulou C., Thalassinos N.,  Dessou D., Venetikou M., Anthouli-Anagnostopoulou F.: Correlation of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis with Thyroid Cancer: Is it a random Coexistence or a particular Risk Factor?, Review Clin. Pharmakol. Pharmakokinet. Int. Ed. 29(1): 5-12 (2015)
Publication Date Accepted for publication (Final Version): March 30, 2015
Full Text Language English
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Keywords Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT), Papillary thyroid cancer (PTC), Differentiated Thyroid Cancer (DTC), Autoimmune disorder, Epidemiology and pathogenesis, Risk factors, Hashimoto thyroiditis and malignancy
Other Terms review article
Summary BACKGROUND: Pathophysiological relationship between Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer (DTC) is still unclear, although a certain association of these two pathologoanatomic entities has been demonstrated. We can’t yet say if Hashimoto thyroiditis advance and facilitale tumour arising or thyroiditis is a reaction to neoplasia or these two pathologies are independent to each other, although both are present in the same patient. Aim and Scope: Therefore, the scope of this study is the extensive retrospective review of the recent bibliographic data focusing on the correlation of Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer (DTC), trying to highlight any potential relationship of HT on the risk of developing DTC, or supporting the concept of a random coexistence of the two different histopathologic entities. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective study of any review article, clinical trial, research article supporting the correlation or the coexistence between Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer (DTC). Articles with these searching criteria were including in the survey, while articles with correlation or coexistence of HT to other malignancies such as, lymphomas, breast cancer, etc, were excluded.  3992 articles of the last decade were searched intensively in PuBMed (Medline) and Scopus Databases, but only 16 were qualified. CONCLUSIONS:  Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) has been found to coexist with differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) in surgical specimens, but an association between the two conditions has been discounted by the medical literature. However, Hashimoto thyroiditis pathology increases the risk for DTC only in euthyroid patients and in those ones with partially functional thyroid glands, while high TPO antibody titers appear to protect against DTC in patients with HT. These findings need further investigation with larger number of series, since there is no direct evidence to support clear causality between Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer (DTC).
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