Τόμος 34 (2020) – Τεύχος 1 –Άρθρο 3 – Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics – Διεθνής Έκδοση – Volume 34 (2020) – Issue 1 – Article 3 – Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics – International Edition


Complementary Treatment with SILOffGyn after loop Electrosurgical excision of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia CIN: a prospective study


Anastasia Bothou MSc1,2, Stefanos Zervoudis MD, PhD1,2,3, Katerina Papakonstantinou MD, PhD2, Maria Kreatsa MD, PhD2, Christos Kokkonakis MD2, George Tsatsaris MD1, Aggeliki Sarella MSc2, Katerina Lykeridou MD, PhD1,Nikolaos Nikolettos MD, PhD1, George Galazios MD, PhD1, Panagiotis Tsikouras MD, PhD1, George Iatrakis MD, PhD1

1Faculty of Medical Applied Sciences, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece

2Faculty of Medicine, University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece

3University of Montpellier-Nimes, France


A. Bothou, S. Zervoudis, K. Papakonstantinou, M. Kreatsa,C. Kokkonakis, G. Tsatsaris, A. Sarella, K. Lykeridou, N. Nikolettos, G. Galazios, P. Tsikouras. Complementary Treatment with SILOffGyn after loop Electrosurgical excision of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia CIN: a prospective study. Review Clin. Pharmacol. Pharmacokinet. 2020, 34, 1, 17-22

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Open access article


Cervical Dysplasia, CIN, LEEP, cervix surgery, Curcumin, Siloffgyn

Other Terms

Prospective Study


This is a prospective study to assess a complementary treatment for CIN after loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP). Ninety one patients were enrolled in two randomized groups: A1: LEEPalone. A2: LEEP, followed by SILOffGyn for 3 months. Pap smears repeated one year after the initial procedure showed that SILOffGyn marginally prevented CIN persistence or recurrence: 53, 3 % versus 46, 7 % (trend but non–significant difference:N.S.). Despite the N.S. difference, this complementary treatment seems to have some efficiency and could be proposed as anadditional measure to preventrecurrence after LEEP for CIN. Studies with greater number of patients and a longer period of follow-up could confirm our preliminary results.

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