Τόμος 34 (2020) – Τεύχος 3 –Άρθρο 6 – Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics – Διεθνής Έκδοση – Volume 34 (2020) – Issue 3 – Article 6 – Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics – International Edition


Vestibular rehabilitation in children


Vasiliki Sakellari, Dimitra Karadimitri, Chrysanthi Papairakli

Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health and Care Sciences, University of West Attica (UniWA), Egaleo, Athens, Greece


V. Sakellari, D. Karadimitri, C. Papairakli. Vestibular rehabilitation in children. Review Clin. Pharmacol. Pharmacokinet. 2020, 34, 3, 121-132

Publication Date
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vestibular disorders, vestibular rehabilitation in children, assessment, intervention

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Vestibular system is one of the basic sensory systems. It regulates and coordinates the information received from other systems and informs about where we are in relation to the space and objects around us. The pediatric population may experience vestibular disorders. Evaluation of vestibular dysfunction based on a combination of patient history and complete clinical examination-evaluation, is not easy in these patients. However, there are several methods for effective evaluation, such as the use of pediatric questionnaires and clinical tests. Therapeutic vestibular exercises are designed to increase static and functional balancing performance through retraining, reduce vertigo or dizziness, and improve daily activity levels and quality of life. In the current literature and clinical practice, exercise protocols are presented from which a therapist is called upon to select in order to compose a vestibular rehabilitation program tailored to the pediatric patient.

The purpose of this paper is to present the peculiarities of a non fully developed and/or an underdeveloped vestibular system in childhood, the dysfunctions that may exist and the resulting symptoms at this stage. Also to inform clinicians about the possibilities of their evaluation and to emphasize the importance of vestibular rehabilitation in the pediatric population, encouraging them to consider it as an successful alternative approach in the field of pediatric physiotherapy. Although current evidence is promising more studies are needed to document the effectiveness of vestibular rehabilitation in children and to optimize the design of vestibular programs tailored to the needs and requirements of this age group.

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