Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics – International Edition – Volume 38 (2024) – Supplementary Issue 1

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New developments in the treatment of aesthetic problems with electroporation
Konstantina Theodoropoulou1A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Efstathios Rallis1A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Vasiliki Kefala1A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated
1 University of West Attica, School of Health Sciences and Welfare, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Aigaleo, Greece.


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Published: 17 February 2024;

In the present paper we study the literature and research done by notable researchers, around the science of trans­dermal administration, the most recent scientific developments in enhancing skin permeability using third generation technologies. The purpose of this search is to find the latest transdermal methods through electrically assisted trans­dermal absorption systems to address aesthetic problems, specifically with the electroporation method. Electro­poration allows quick and deep penetration of active ingredients, through the “electropores” promoting the ability to channel ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc. to the desired point. In this way, effective, targeted, and uniform distribution of the active water-soluble substances of small and high molecular weight is achieved, in deeper layers of the skin tissues. As a result of this whole process, the electroporation method is an additional weapon in our quiver for dealing with and improving aesthetic problems.

Keywords: electroporation, transdermal delivery of substances, aesthetic problems, newer developments in aesthetic problems, transdermal methods through systems, electrically assisted transdermal absorption

Please cite as:
K.Theodoropoulou, E. Rallis, V. Kefala. New developments in the treatment of aesthetic problems with electroporation. Rev. Clin. Pharmacol. Pharmacokinet. Int. Ed. 38(Sup1): 57-62 (2024).

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