Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics – International Edition – Volume 38 (2024) – Supplementary Issue 1

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Applications and effects of «Cold Atmospheric Plasma» in Aesthetics
Maria P. Pantelopoulou1A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Efstathios Rallis1A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Vasiliki Kefala1A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated

1Department of Biomedical Sciences, School of Health Sciences and Welfare, University of West Attica.

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Published: 17 February 2024;

Aging is an unavoidable and natural process for all organs. The aging process of the face is a gradual atrophic progression of soft and hard tissues and takes place gradually, over 3 to 4 decades, with a little clinical evidence. It is eventually recognized by the emergence of furrows and wrinkles together with a loss of tonicity. The consequences of this on the patient’s self-confidence could negatively influence the quality of life in a psychological and social way. Different techniques have been used for removing or improving the signs of ageing. Currently, a physicochemical approach, based on ionized gases, is joining the skin non-surgical treatments. This technology, named Cold Atmospheric Plasma (CAP), was already used in dermatology to promote wound healing. Today, CAP is entering into the cosmetic field, thus providing a new challenge. In reason of their unique ability to generate a complex chemical mix and thanks to their physical properties, CAPs could be a promising alternative in non-invasive treatment of skin. However, the scientific bases of cold plasma effects on skin and the identification of their exact mechanisms of action, both at the cellular and at the molecular levels, are still lacking and they constitute a new active field of investigation. The present article is a literature review of the applications and effects of «cold atmospheric plasma» in aesthetics.

Keywords: skin, cold atmospheric plasma, RONS, aging, dermatology, facial dermatoaesthetic

Please cite as:
Pantelopoulou M.P., Rallis E., Kefala V. Application and effects of «Cold Atmospheric Plasma» in Aesthetics. Rev. Clin. Pharmacol. Pharmacokinet. Int. Ed. 38(Sup1): 71-74 (2024).

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