Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics – International Edition – Volume 38 (2024) – Issue 1

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Antioxidant and antidiabetic potential of Acanthus mollis L. using choline chloride-based deep eutectic solvents

Maria Trapali1,*A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Sara Oumenoune Tebbi2A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Petros Karkalousos1A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Nadjet Debbache-Benaida2A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Dimitrios Chaniotis1A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Vasso Apostolopoulos3A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated
1Laboratory of Chemistry Biochemistry and Cosmetic Science & Laboratory of Anatomy, Pathology and PhysiologyNutrition, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of West Attica, Egaleo, Athens, Greece

2Laboratoire de Biochimie Appliquée, Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie, Université de Bejaia, 06000Bejaia, Algeria3Institute for Health and Sport, Victoria University, Werribee, VIC 3030 Australia


*Corresponding author: Maria Trapali, Laboratory of Chemistry Biochemistry and Cosmetic Science & Laboratory of Anatomy, Pathology andPhysiology Nutrition, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of West Attica, Egaleo, Athens, Greece.

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Published: 15 March 2024;


In recent years, the study of medicinal plants’ therapeutic properties has increased due to their effects and biologicalactivities. The Acanthaceae family consists of 242 genera and 3947 species mainly distributed across tropical andsubtropical zones. This family is known to contain a wide range of bioactive compounds, such as, alkaloids, triterpenessteroids glycosides, polyphenols, and polysaccharides. Herein, the antioxidant and anti-diabetic effects of Acanthusmollis (AM) extracted by green alternative technology; ultrasound assisted-deep eutectic solvents extraction (UAE-DES) were determined. The data obtained, showed that AM seeds had the highest Total Phenolic Content, antioxidantactivity and anti-diabetic activity compared to AM seeds shell. The presence of antioxidants with anti-diabetic proper-ties in AM could potentially serve as a foundation for innovative drug formulations capable of addressing severaldiseases. However, it is strongly advised that studies, including toxicity assessments, be conducted with a view to-wards pharmaceutical applications.

Keywords: Type-2 diabetes, diabetes mellitus, Acanthus mollis, total phenolic content, anti-diabetic action, antioxidant activity, bioactive compounds

Please cite as:

Trapali M., Tebbi S.O.,Karkalousos P., Debbache-Benaida N., Chaniotis D.,Apostolopoulos V. Antioxidant and antidiabetic potential ofAcanthus mollis L. using choline chloride-based deepeutectic solvents. Rev. Clin. Pharmacol. Pharmacokinet.Int. Ed. 38 (1): 19-25 (2024).


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