Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics – International Edition Volume 38 (2024) – Issue 2

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Evaluation of preparedness and response competency of healthcare administrative staff of the public hospitals during the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the resilience of health system in Greece

Pinelopi Stamati1A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Frosyna Anagnosti2,*A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Anna Bilali3A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Kiriaki Gatanas4A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Argyro Anagnostaki5A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Aleksandros Dourakis6A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Evanthia Douraki7A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Eleni Riza8A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Emmanouil Pikoulis9A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated
1Athens Nursing Home, Financial Services of Athens Merciful Society, Athens, Greece
2Department of Nursing, Sotiria Athens Chest Diseases Hospital, Athens, Greece
3Health Consultant, Athens, Greece
4Adult Care Facility, Saint Michael’s Home, Yonkers, New York City, USA
5ICU Department, IONIO CLINIC LTD, Athens Greece
6Department of Nursing, Sotiria Athens Chest Diseases Hospital, Athens, Greece
7Educator-Researcher, Athens, Greece
8Department of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece
9National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School, Athens, Greece

*Corresponding author:
Frosyna Anagnosti, Department of Nursing, Sotiria Athens Chest Diseases Hospital, Athens, 11527, Greece

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Published: 17 June 2024; DOI: 10.61873/XSMT1055

Introduction: The role of health systems and hospital administrative system in Covid-19 pandemic period is of utmost importance.

Objective: The scope of study is to assess the preparedness, response competencies of administrative staff and resilience of health system as well as to highlight the need of modernizing the role of the above three com­ponents.
Methods: 175 executives from public hospitals of the seven Regional Health Authorities in Greece partici­pated in an online survey. Demographic, occupational data were collected and presented with correlations of individual variables.
Results: The mental working condition of staff became much worse. The 96,7% of participants believed that the country does not implement a pandemic preparedness plan while 83,3% think that this plan has not been updated. Also, 38.9% of participants had no idea whether the strengthening of health system resilience is a current preoccu­pation of health policy makers.
Conclusions: Measures of new managements are considered necessary for a suc­cessful reform effort. The organization of health systems and development of medical countermeasures are suggested as essential for the preparedness and response of Healthcare Administrative Staff of the Public Hospitals as well as the resilience of Greek Health System.

preparedness, response, resilience, competencies, Covid-19

Please cite as:
Stamati P., Anagnosti F., Bilali A., Gatanas K., Anagnostaki A., Dourakis A., Douraki E., Riza E., Pikoulis E. Evaluation of preparedness and response competency of healthcare administrative staff of the public hospitals during the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the resilience of health system in Greece. Rev. Clin. Pharmacol. Pharmacokinet. Int. Ed. 38 (2): 113-123 (2024). DOI: 10.61873/XSMT1055



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