Τόμος 19 (2005) – Τεύχος 2 – Άρθρο 2 – Επιθεώρηση Κλινικής Φαρμακολογίας και Φαρμακοκινητικής-Διεθνής Έκδοση – Volume 19 (2005) – Issue 2 – Article 2 – Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias και Farmakokinetikes-International Edition


Title Knowledge and attitude of young adults regarding cutaneous malignant melanoma: a study of two hundred students of the faculty of health and caring professions
Authors Fragiski Anthouli¹, Maria Parava², Melpomeni Stoikidou¹, Helen Plessa³, Despina Dessou¹, Alice Anagnostopoulou and Demitra Soubala¹

1. Faculty of Health and Caring Professions, Technological Educational Institute (T.E.I.A.), Athens, Greece

2. Peripheral Infirmary Terpyllou, General Hospital of Kilkis

3. School of Business Administration and Economics, Technological Educational Institute (T.E.I.A.), Athens, Greece

4. Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Physics, National Technical University of Athens (N.T.U.A.), Athens, Greece

Citation Anthouli, F., Parava, M., Stoikidou, M., Plessa, H., Dessou, D. et al.: Knowledge and attitude of young adults regarding cutaneous malignant melanoma: a study of two hundred students of the faculty of health and caring professions, Epitheorese Klin. Farmakol. Farmakokinet. 19(2): 77-86 (2005)
Publication Date Received for publication: : 2 February 2005

 Accepted for publication: 12 May 2005

Full Text Language English
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Keywords Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma (CMM), risk factors, prevention, diagnosis, Health Care Visiting Department, Nursing Department, student knowledge status, consequences of solar radiation, Incidence and mortality of cutaneous malignant melanoma.
Other Terms review article
Summary  Cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) accounts for the large majority of deaths from skin cancer in young (20-44 years) and middle-aged (45-64 years) adults. Being strongly associated with intense and intermittent sun exposure, particularly in early life, CMM is a potentially preventable neoplasm and it is also effectively treated provided that early diagnosis of thin lesions is available. With a principal objective of the examination of knowledge of the dangers of solar radiation in young people, became an effort of evaluation of the knowledge of Nursing Faculties (Department of the Faculty of Health and Caring Professions of Educational Institute of Athens (T.E.I.A.) with regard to cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM). The research was carried out on 200 students of the two departments and concerned only the two first (1st + 2nd) and the two last (6th +7th) semesters aiming at the comparison of the level of their knowledge. The methods used for the research based upon questionnaires, working with multiple choice questions referring to diagnosis, risk factors and prevention of malignant melanoma. The results of the research showed that either the students of the first two or of the last two semesters of both departments presented a poor level of knowledge with regard to malignant melanoma (44% and 48% and 44% and 39% respectively), while on the contrary, a small percentage of students, regardless of semester and department had a very good knowledge status varying from 4%-8%.More analytically, all the students regardless of Department and Semester appear to present a better level of knowledge in the prevention of melanoma (62%-71%), a rather good level of knowledge of the risk factors for the development of malignant melanoma (53%-61%), white the worst level of knowledge is observed in the field of diagnosis of malignant melanoma (42%-54%). In general, the students of both departments of the Faculty of Health and Caring Professions appear to have insufficient knowledge concerning cutaneous malignant melanoma. The reasons that lead to this knowledge status regarding CMM, is that skin cancer including CMM isn’t overemphasized, like other forms of cancer such as cancers of breast, lung, or cervix. Noteworthy in the above study regarding CMM, is that the students of the first two (1st +2nd) Semesters of Health Visiting Department had a more sufficient knowledge about malignant melanoma’s risks factors than the two last (6th +7th). This could be a result of a higher awareness during the last years, due to a high melanoma cancer incidence and mortality in northern Europe countries, like Greece. Likewise, the recent preventive campaigns and intervention programs in schools upon the dangers which intense exposure to solar radiation could cause, support the students of the first semesters with earlier information and sensitization regarding the risk factors for CMM development, resulting in a better awareness than the students of the last Semesters.
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