Τόμος 19 (2005) – Τεύχος 3 – Άρθρο 6 – Επιθεώρηση Κλινικής Φαρμακολογίας και Φαρμακοκινητικής-Διεθνής Έκδοση – Volume 19 (2005) – Issue 3 – Article 6 – Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias και Farmakokinetikes-International Edition


Title The weight reduction operation of choice: mason vs gastric bypass: a comparative study
Authors Theodora Katopodi¹ and Theophanis Katostaras²

1. 251 Hellenic Air Force Hospital, Athens, Hellas

2.      Faculty of Nursing, Kapodestrian University, Athens, Hellas

Citation Katopodi, T., Katostaras, T.: The weight reduction operation of choice: mason vs gastric bypass: a comparative study, Epitheorese Klin. Farmakol. Farmakokinet. 19(3): 155-158 (2005)
Publication Date  Accepted for publication: 10 October 2005
Full Text Language English
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Keywords Obesity, operation of Mason type, operation of bypass type, cost, clinical effectiveness.
Other Terms review article
Summary Aim of the present study was the evaluation of clinical effectiveness and cost of hospital expenses, laboratorial examinations and expendable materials of two types of operations for the confrontation of obesity, Mason and gastric Bypass. The sample of study was 33 patients that were submitted in operation of Mason type and 30 patients that were submitted in operation of Bypass type in 251 Hellenic Air Force Hospital. The factors of danger did not differ statistically considerably in two groups. The effectiveness indicators were considered to be the difference in the Body Mass Index before the operation and six months afterwards, the postoperative complications and the quality of life of patients after the operation. The patients were followed up for six months afterwards the operation. The economic evaluation involved the assessment of cost that included the cost of hospital expenses, medicines, laboratorial examinations and expendable materials. The results indicated that the Mason was 1714.4 euros cheaper than the Bypass, with average of hospitalization that differed statistically considerably between the two groups (6.3±0.91 days for Mason against 9.3±1.85 days for Bypass method, p=0.001). The patients that were submitted in Bypass presented higher reduction of Body Mass Index six months after the operation in comparison with the patients that were submitted in Mason (p=0.001). The patients that were submitted in Mason presented less percentages of postoperative complications in comparison with the patients that were submitted in Bypass (p=0.001) and finally the patients that were submitted in Bypass stated more satisfied with regard to their quality of life after the operation in comparison with patients that were submitted in Mason (p=0.001). According to the results of study Bypass type costs more than Mason and it presents higher percentage of postoperative complications but it achieves bigger reduction of Body Mass Index six months afterwards the operation and better quality of life of patients. However this does not mean that Bypass type is also the operation of election for the confrontation of obesity. The choice of operation is not always easy. The right briefing and the narrow collaboration of doctor and patient has great importance so as to be selected the appropriate operation type.
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