Τόμος 15 (2001) – Τεύχος 3 – Άρθρο 3 – Επιθεώρηση Κλινικής Φαρμακολογίας και Φαρμακοκινητικής-Διεθνής Έκδοση – Volume 15 (2001) – Issue 3 – Article 3 – Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias και Farmakokinetikes-International Edition

Title AP-1 transcription factors and steroid hormone receptors in multistage mouse skin carcinogenesis
Authors Vassilis Zoumpourlis¹, Paraskevi Papassava¹, Alexander Pintzas¹, Paraskevi Moutsatsou² and Kostas Katsanakis¹

1.       Institute of Biological Research and Biotechnology, National Hellenic Research Foundation, 48 Vas. Constantinou Ave., 11635 Athens, Greece

2.      Laboratory of Biological Chemistry, Medical School, University of Athens, 75 M. Asias str., 11527 Athens, Greece

Citation Zoumpourlis, V., Papassava, P., Pintzas, A., Moutsatsou, P., Katsanakis, K.: AP-1 transcription factors and steroid hormone receptors in multistage mouse skin carcinogenesis, Epitheorese Klin. Farmakol. Farmakokinet. 15(3): 123-128 (2001)
Publication Date Accepted for publication: 1 August 2001
Full Text Language English
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Keywords Ras, AP-1, GR, ER, mouse skin carcinogenesis.
Other Terms review article
Introduction Tumor development is a multi-step process during which genetic and epigenetic events determine the transition from normal to malignant cellular state. Apart from the fact that tumor cells bear an indefinite proliferative capacity, they also show activation of the signaling pathways that are involved in the transduction of mitogenic stimuli. This activation is either due to overexpression or mutation of signal transduction molecules. Such an example is the activating ras mutations, which are present in 30% of the human tumors and result in persistent signal transduction via the MAP kinase pathway, the Pl-3 kinase pathway and possibly other downstream effector pathways. […]
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