Τόμος 31 (2017) – Τεύχος 2 –Άρθρο 1 – Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics – Διεθνής Έκδοση – Volume 31 (2017) – Issue 2 – Article 1 – Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics – International Edition

Τίτλος – Title

Efficient Design of a Community Health Construction Infrastructure and Public Health Protection
in Emergencies

Συγγραφέας – Author

Fotoula Babatsikou MD, RN, MPH, PhD1, Tilemachos Koliopoulos CEng, MBA, PhD2, Charilaos Koutis MD, MPH, PhD3

1Associate Professor of Nursing, Department of Nursing and Laboratory of Hygiene & Epidemiology, Technological Educational Institute (T.E.I.) of Athens, Greece.

2Laboratory Collaborator of Department of Public Health & Community Health, Laboratory of Hygiene & Epidemiology, Technological Educational Institute (T.E.I.) of Athens, Greece.

3Professor of Hygiene, Epidemiology & Public Health, Laboratory of Hygiene
& Epidemiology, Technological Educational Institute (T.E.I.) of Athens, Greece

Παραπομπή – Citation

F. Babatsikou,T. Koliopoulos, C. Koutis. Efficient Design of a Community Health Construction Infrastructure and Public Health Protection in Emergencies.  Review Clin. Pharmacol. Pharmacokinet. 2017, 31, 2, 79-84

Ημερομηνία Δημοσιευσης – Publication Date
Γλώσσα Πλήρους Κειμένου –
Full Text Language

Αγγλικά – English

Λέξεις κλειδιά – Keywords

Community health protection, communal health building design, managed communal health care plan, sustainable design, operational risk assessment of health care communal building

Λοιποί Όροι – Other Terms


Περίληψη – Summary

In this paper, an input-output solution is presented in order to simulate the associated behavior and proper optimum physical needs of a Community – Public Health Construction Facility and an Environmen- tal System which is located at that facility in Emergen- cies. Simulation and numerical analysis for the deter- mination of accurate boundary loads and areas, which should interact for the proper physical operation of a complicate Environmental System in Emergencies. The numerical results are discussed focused on probable further environmental management techniques in emergencies, with the objective of minimizing any risks and associated environmental impacts so as to protect the quality of public health and environment. Useful conclusions of the analysis presented are made to min- imize the risks associated focused on probable cases in emergency so as to protect the surrounded anthropo- genic or natural environment. Therefore, the efficient design of a community health infrastructure and public health protection in emergencies could be determined for any useful associated technical works so as to sup- port the examining environmental system, taking into account the particular boundary necessities and constraints of the examining environmental problem.

Αναφορές – References
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Σχετικές Εργασίες – Relative Papers

Online ISSN 1011-6583


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