Τόμος 32 (2018) – Τεύχος 1 –Άρθρο 4 – Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics – Διεθνής Έκδοση – Volume 32 (2018) – Issue 1 – Article 4 – Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics – International Edition

Τίτλος – Title

Manosmed* University’s Risk factor calculator for female breast cancer: Preliminary data

Συγγραφέας – Author

G. Iatrakis1, J.P. Daures2, N. Geahchan3, T. Maudelonde4,
A. Bothou5, C. Chraibi6, O. Omar7, S. Voiculescu8, E. Antoniou9, T. Youseff10, P. Tsikouras11, G. Galazios12, A. Chalazonitis13, S. Zervoudis14

1Gynecologist-Obstetrician, Professor of TEI University of Athens, Greece & MANOSMED

2Gynecologist-Biostatistician, Professor of University of Montpellier-Nimes, France & MANOSMED
3Breast Surgeon, Professor University of St. Joseph, Beirut Lebanon & MANOSMED

4Gynecologist, Professor of University Montpellier-Nimes, France & MANOSMED

5MSC, PhD Student, Rea Hospital & University of Alexandroupolis Greece

6Gynecologist-Obstetrician, Professor of University Rabat Morocco & MANOSMED

7Breast Surgeon, Professor University of Cairo, Egypt & MANOSMED
8Breast Surgeon, Professor University of Bucharest Romania & MANOSMED
9Professor of TEI University of Athens, Greece
10Breast Surgeon, Professor of University Mansoura, Egypt & MANOSMED

11Gynecologist-Obstetrician, Professor of University Alexandroupolis, Greece & MANOSMED
12Gynecologist-Obstetrician, Professor of University Alexandroupolis, Greece & MANOSMED
13Professor of MANOSMED & Alexandra Hospital Athens, Greece
14Professor and President of MANOSMED & Rea Hospital Athens, Greece

*MANOSMED Mediterranean University of MASTOLOGY, Montpellier University, www.manosmed.com

Παραπομπή – Citation

G. Iatrakis, J.P. Daures, N. Geahchan, T. Maudelonde, A. Bothou, C. Chraibi, O. Omar, S. Voiculescu, E. Antoniou, T. Youseff, P. Tsikouras, G. Galazios, A. Chalazonitis, S. Zervoudis. Manosmed* University’s Risk factor calculator for female breast cancer: Preliminary data. Review Clin. Pharmacol. Pharmacokinet. 2018, 32, 1, 23-27

Ημερομηνία Δημοσιευσης – Publication Date
Γλώσσα Πλήρους Κειμένου –
Full Text Language

Αγγλικά – English

Λέξεις κλειδιά – Keywords

breast cancer, breast cancer index, breast cancer risk factors, MANOSMED breast index

Λοιποί Όροι – Other Terms


Περίληψη – Summary

A new risk factor calculator for breast female cancer was created by MANOSMED (Mediterranean Mobile University of Mastology) members. The 20 parameters of this gold index cover the major breast cancer factors risk and seem to have a great sensitivity to select high risk patients for breast cancer. Further stud- ies based on large populations should confirm the value of our MANOSMED index.

Αναφορές – References

1. Fagerholm R, Faltinova M, Aaltonen K, Aittomäki K, Heikkilä P, Halttunen-Nieminen M, Nevanlinna H, Blomqvist C. Family history influences the tumor char- acteristics and prognosis of breast cancers developing during postmenopausal hormone therapy. Fam Cancer 2017, doi: 10.1007/s10689-017-0046-2 (Epub ahead of print).

2. Liu Y, Tamimi RM, Colditz GA, Bertrand KA. Alcohol consumption across the life course and mammographic density in premenopausal women. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2017, doi: 10.1007/s10549-017-4517-9 (Epub ahead of print).

3. Jones ME, Schoemaker MJ, Wright LB, Ashworth A, Swerdlow AJ. Smoking and risk of breast cancer in the Generations Study cohort. Breast Cancer Res 2017, 19:118.

4. Iatrakis G. BreastCancer. In: Book of Gynaecology. Athens, Desmos Publications 2017.

5. Schonfeld SJ, Pee D, Greenlee RT, Hartge P, Lacey JV Jr, Park Y, Schatzkin A, Visvanathan K, Pfeiffer RM. Ef- fect of changing breast cancer incidence rates on the calibration of the Gail model. J Clin Oncol 2010, 28:2411-7.

6. Rogulski Lech1, Oszukowski Przemysław2 .Epidemiological models for breast cancer risk estima- tion. Ginekol Pol. 2011, 82, 451-454

Σχετικές Εργασίες – Relative Papers

Online ISSN 1011-6583

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• Chemical Abstracts

• Elsevier’s Bibliographic Databases: Scopus, EMBASE, EMBiology, Elsevier BIOBASE
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Articles published in this Journal are Indexed or Abstracted in:
• Chemical Abstracts
• Elsevier’s Bibliographic Databases: Scopus, EMBASE, EMBiology, Elsevier BIOBASE
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