Τίτλος – Title
The role of macrophages in the inflammatory phase during wound healing |
Συγγραφέας – Author
Charalambos Charalambous1, Aristidis Vasilopoulos2,3, Zoe Roupa4, Agoritsa Koulouri5 1 BSc, PG Cert WHTR, MPH Deputy Ward Manager, Acute Trauma and Surgical Unit North West of Anglia Foundation Trust, Hinchingbrooke Hospital. United Kingdom 4 MD, RN, PhD Professor, Coordinator of the Nursing Program and Postgraduate pro- gram Contemporary Nursing, University of Nicosia. Cyprus |
Παραπομπή – Citation
C. Charalambous, A. Vasilopoulos, Z. Roupa, A. Koulouri. The role of macrophages in the inflammatory phase during wound healing. Review Clin. Pharmacol. Pharmacokinet. 2018, 32, 2, 71-76 |
Ημερομηνία Δημοσιευσης – Publication Date
Γλώσσα Πλήρους Κειμένου –
Full Text Language |
Αγγλικά – English |
Λέξεις κλειδιά – Keywords
Macrophages, wounds, inflammatory phase, wound healing |
Λοιποί Όροι – Other Terms
Έρευνα Research |
Περίληψη – Summary
Introduction: Macrophage are the predominant cells during the inflammatory phase, it has been demonstrated that wounds cannot heal without the participation of this cells. Anomalies in cellular level can initiate a stagnation state which can lead the wound bed in a destructive inflammatory loop, dysregulating the normal wound healing process. Objective: The main objective was through the review of the scientific literature to establish the role that macrophages have during the inflammatory phase.Methodology: The scientific Greek and English litera- ture was reviewed through Cinahl, Pub-med, EBSCO and Google scholar between September 2016 and October 2016. 5 articles were identified. The articles were chosen due to their direct correlation with the objective under study and their scientific relevance. Result: The absence or reduced numbers of macro- phages from the wound bed leads to inadequate wound debridement and fibrosis, delayed fibroblast prolifera- tion, and collagen deposition. Their abilities to control the microenvironment of the wound during the inflam- matory phase, is attributed to their abilities to create and secrete metalloproteinases during the cleansing phase of the wound healing and additionally the regula- tion of the deposition of new tissue through the secre- tion of growth factors and cytokines. Conclusion: The role and the effect that macrophages have in the process of wound healing have been exten- sively studied. As a result of the progress in under- standing the different cellular functions, the attention has been turned towards the utilization of the multifacto- rial abilities of this cells towards the healing and treat- ment of chronic or stagnated wounds. |
Αναφορές – References |
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