Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics – International Edition – Volume 38 (2024) – Supplementary Issue 1

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Laser Innovations in Aesthetics

Foteini Biskanaki1A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Efstathios Rallis1A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Eleni Andreou1A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Eleni Sfyri1A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Niki Tertipi1A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, George Ninos1A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Vasiliki Kefala1A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated

1Division of Aesthetics and Cosmetology, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Welfare Sciences, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece


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Published: 17 February 2024;

Laser has caused a revolution in technology and today there is almost no field of natural sciences in which Laser is not already used. The evolution of technology, knowledge, and science offers plenty of laser devices used to treat aesthetic facial and body problems. Before a laser treatment that is aimed at addressing these aesthetic problems, the device operator must know the history of Laser devices so that it can understand the modern laser devices used today. This study presents all the innovations of laser hair removal, regeneration, and lipolysis.

Keywords: laser innovations, multiple wavelengths in hair removal, diode laser 1060nm, lipolysis

Please cite as:
Biskanaki F., Rallis E., Andreou E., Sfyri E., Tertipi E., Ninos G., Kefala V. Laser Innovations in Aesthetics.Rev. Clin. Pharmacol. Pharmacokinet. Int. Ed. 38(Sup1):17-21 (2024).

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