Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics – International Edition – Volume 38 (2024) – Supplementary Issue 1

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Open Access Review Paper

Comparative study of Cavitation and Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy
Maria Rafaela Karydi1 A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Vasiliki Kefala1A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated, Efstathios Rallis1,A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated,Foteini Biskanaki1A green circle with white letters Description automatically generated
1Department of Biomedical Sciences. School of Health Sciences and Welfare, University of West Attica. Campus 1. Athens, Greece

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Published: 17 February 2024;

Nowadays, a person’s body image is an important issue that affects cognitive function, and mental and physical health. Today, people seek to improve their body contours and reduce body fat through non-invasive, safe, painless, and comfortable solutions. These conditions have led to the rapid development of non-invasive devices that use the technology of ultrasound and help to immediately and effectively improve body image. In this article, two technologies are based on ultrasound. The first is cavitation, and the second is shock wave ultrasound that will be presented, their characteristics will be developed and they will be compared in terms of their effectiveness and their advantages among the currently available research data.

Keywords: ultrasound, Cavitation, Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy, lipolysis

Please cite as:
Karydi R., Kefala V., Rallis E., Biskanaki F. Comparative study of Cavitation and Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy.  Rev. Clin. Pharmacol. Pharmacokinet. Int. Ed. 38(Sup1):37-41 (2024).

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