Τόμος 6 (1992) – Τεύχος 3 – Άρθρο 2 – Επιθεώρηση Κλινικής Φαρμακολογίας και Φαρμακοκινητικής-Διεθνής Έκδοση – Volume 6 (1992) – Issue 3 – Article 2 – Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias και Farmakokinetikes-International Edition

Title Pharmacological stress test in radionuclide studies
Authors Sophie I. Mavrogeni, Dudley J. Pennell and Richard S. Underwood

Nuclear Medicine Department, Royal Brompton National Heart and Lung Hospitals, London, U.K.

Citation Mavrogeni, S.I., Pennell, D.J., Underwood, R.S.: Pharmacological stress test in radionuclide studies, Epitheorese Klin. Farmakol. Farmakokinet. 6(3): 124-129 (1992)
Publication Date Received for publication: 11 November 1992

Accepted for publication: 15 November 1992

Full Text Language English
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Keywords Radionuclide studies, dipyridamole, adenosine, dobutamine.
Other Terms review article
Summary Although dynamic exercise is the best technique for stressing patients during myocardial perfusion imaging, it is not always applicable because of physical or psychological disabilities of patients. In this case pharmacological stress test can replace dynamic exercise. The most commonly used drugs are: dipyridamole, adenosine and dobutamine. Dipyridamole is given intravenously by a 4 min infusion of 0.56 mg/kg. It acts as arteriolar dilator through an increase of interstitial adenosine. Its adverse side effects are headache, flushing, hypotension. It is proven that it has good safety and its results are comparable with dynamic exercise. Caffeine, colas, tea and cocoa should not be taken in the 12h before the infusion, because they antagonize the action of adenosine. Adenosine is given as an intravenous infusion of 140 μg/kg/min for 6 min. Its main advantage is the very short plasma half- life of less than 10 sec, which simplifies the control of plasma levels. Adverse effects of adenosine are headache, flushing and AV block. Both dipyridamole and adenosine should not be given to patients with a history of bronchospasm. Aminophylline can reverse the adverse side effects of both of them. In contrary to previous mentioned drugs, dobutamine, a beta-agonist, acts by increasing the myocardial oxygen demand through an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Its action is antagonised by beta-blockers, which must be discontinued 48h before the study. It is infused in a peripheral vein starting at 5 μg/kg/min and increasing in increments of 5 μg/kg/min to a maximum of 40 μg/kg/min. During the infusion occasional ventricular premature beats may occur: It is unsuitable for patients with contraindications to dynamic exercise, such as aortic stenosis and unstable angina.
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