Τόμος 19 (2005) – Τεύχος 1 – Άρθρο 9 – Επιθεώρηση Κλινικής Φαρμακολογίας και Φαρμακοκινητικής-Διεθνής Έκδοση – Volume 19 (2005) – Issue 1 – Article 9 – Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias και Farmakokinetikes-International Edition


Title Factors which determine the choice of ambulatory administration for the operation of cataract
Authors Martha Kelesi-Stavropoulou, Georgia Fasoi-Barka, Christina Sotnikova and Theophanis Katostaras

Department Nursing, National and Kapodistrian University, Athens, Greece

Citation Kelesi-Stavropoulou, M., Fasoi-Barka, G., Sotnikova, C., Katostaras, T.: Factors which determine the choice of ambulatory administration for the operation of cataract, Epitheorese Klin. Farmakol. Farmakokinet. 19(1): 47-55 (2005)
Publication Date Received for publication: 10 February 2005

 Accepted for publication: 28 February 2005

Full Text Language English
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Keywords Factors of ambulatory administration, cataract operation, criteria for the choice of ambulatory administration.
Other Terms review article
Summary During the last 10 to 15 years, interest in administration cataract on an ambulatory basis is continuously rising. In the case of cataract, the new medical techniques, the rapid development of technology in the field of lens operation and plantation have reduced risks (health problems) and the time of the patients’ recovery, which is finally minimal. Thus, ambulatory surgery does not consist in theory but in successful application. Demographic changes contributed to the increase of the elderly population and therefore to the high demand for cataract operations. People today demand better vision and for a greater amount of time in their life. The subject of the present study is to define factors, which lead patients to the choice of cataract operation with ambulatory administration, like demographic characteristics, social problems type of social insurance, general medical history of patients. For the collection of data, a data register was used in which the demographic data, the individual and hereditary medical history, the ophthalmologic measurements, the educational level, the marital status, the income, the insurance fund, measurements of visual ability as well as satisfaction from the latest visit were entered. 204 registers were completed, 102 from the public and another 102 from the private sector. Quantitative variables were examined in terms of whether they follow regular distribution through the Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Qualitative variables were examined through x² or Fisher exact test. Examinations of quantitative variables which follow regular distribution were done through t-test, while for the test, Mann-Whitney test was applied for finding the determiners of patients preference in being operated on an ambulatory or hospital basis, the model of logarithmic (accounting) regression was applied. The results indicated that the final operation outcome (visual acuity-post operationally) was equal. The comparison of average values of the final visual acuity between hospital and ambulatory administration does not present statistically significant difference (p=0.73), a fact, which enhances the view that the days of hospitalization do not contribute to the medical outcome of the surgery. Higher satisfaction from administration of cataract operation appeared (73%) on the ambulatory basis as opposed to the hospital one (24%). Shorter duration of operation (<30 minutes) was observed on the ambulatory administration as opposed to the hospital one (p=0.000). Ages lower than 70 years old, were observed in ambulatory administration as opposed to hospital one (p=0.002). A certainly higher percentage (20%) of the people who presented hereditary liability turned to ambulatory administration and, accordingly one could also characterize the fact of superiority of ambulatory administration 2nd class C(II) gravity cataracts. It was observed that patients with secondary education come to ambulatory administration on a percentage of 37.3%. From the above, one could conclude that ambulatory administration of cataract consists in the best alternative solution, because it is danger free, safe and cost- effective.
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