Τόμος 11 (1997) – Τεύχος 1 – Άρθρο 2 – Επιθεώρηση Κλινικής Φαρμακολογίας και Φαρμακοκινητικής-Διεθνής Έκδοση – Volume 11 (1997) – Issue 1 – Article 2 – Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias και Farmakokinetikes-International Edition

Title Gonadotropin and thyrostimulin receptors
Authors M. Misrahi, N. de Roux, N. Ghinea, I. Beau, H. Loosfelt, B. Vannier, J.F. Savouret and E. Milgrom

Unité de Recherches Hormones et Reproduction, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Unité 135, Hôpital de Bicêtre, 94275 Le Kremlin Bicêtre Cédex, France

Citation Misrahi, M., de Roux, N., Ghinea, N., Beau, I.Losfelt, H. et al.: Gonadotropin and thyrostimulin receptors, Epitheorese Klin. Farmakol. Farmakokinet. 11(1): 13-17 (1997)
Publication Date Accepted for publication: 15 April 1997
Full Text Language English
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Keywords Gonadotropin, thyrostimulin, receptor, cellular trafficking, Graves’ disease. 
Other Terms review article
Summary Gonadotropin and thyrostimulin receptors belong to a subgroup of G-protein coupled receptors characterized by a large extracellular domain responsible for the binding of the hormone. Soluble receptors arise from premessenger RNA alternative splicing (LH receptor) or cleavage and shedding of the ectodomain (TSH receptor). FSH and TSH receptors are restricted to the basolateral domain of their target cells. These receptors are also present in endothelial celts of target organ vessels and are involved in hormone transcytosis. Various genetic abnormalities of these receptors have been described.
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