Τόμος 11 (1997) – Τεύχος 1 – Άρθρο 6 – Επιθεώρηση Κλινικής Φαρμακολογίας και Φαρμακοκινητικής-Διεθνής Έκδοση – Volume 11 (1997) – Issue 1 – Article 6 – Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias και Farmakokinetikes-International Edition

Title Cell and molecular biology of breast cancer
Authors Joyce Taylor-Papadimitriou, Joy M. Burchell, Caroline Whitehouse, Michael Smith, Rosalind Graham, Moira Shearer and Deborah Alford

Imperial Cancer Research Fund, 44 Lincolns Inn Fields London WC2A 3PX UK

Citation Taylor-Papadimitriou, J., Burchell, J.M. Whitehouse, C., Smith, M., Graham, R. et al.: Cell and molecular biology of breast cancer, Epitheorese Klin. Farmakol. Farmakokinet. 11(1): 40-46 (1997)
Publication Date Accepted for publication: 15 April 1997
Full Text Language English
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Keywords Breast cancer, cell and molecular biology.
Other Terms review article
Summary The MUC1 gene was the first mucin gene to be cloned and is unique among the epithelial mucins in being a transmembrane molecule. Since it is over-expressed and aberrantly giycosylated in breast and other carcinomas, it is being used widely as a model for studies on mucin type O-glycosylation and as a candidate cancer vaccine. Our studies on the giycosylation of MUC1 have shown a correlation between changes in the profile of glycosyl transferases and the changes in O-glycan structure seen in Breast Cancer. The generality of the changes and the control of expression of the relevant glycosyl transferases is being pursued. Our results also suggest that there are fewer O-glycans added to the cancer mucin than to the normal mucin and the expression of the various GalNAc transferases is under investigation. Pre-clinical studies are being combined with Clinical studies to attempt to use MUC1 based immunogens in the management of Breast Cancer. Our own effects are focused on developing a DNA based vaccine and on evaluating 1) the effect of giycosylation on immunogenicity of the mucin and 2) the importance of HLA restricted presentation. In analyzing the molecular mechanisms involved in the loss of tissue architecture seen in breast carcinomas, the detailed characterisation of cell phenotype has we believe, played a crucial role in identifying the a2β1 integrin as a major player in the maintenance of tissue integrity and as a target for c-erbB2 signalling through the ras pathway.
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