Τόμος 22 (2008) – Τεύχος 2 – Άρθρο 34 – Επιθεώρηση Κλινικής Φαρμακολογίας και Φαρμακοκινητικής-Διεθνής Έκδοση – Volume 22 (2008) – Issue 2 – Article 34 – Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias και Farmakokinetikes-International Edition

Title Caspase-3 activity in pregnant rat spleen and lymph nodes after treatment with cycloheximide and the development of malignant breast tumor in experimental animals: case report
Authors H. Frangou1, E. Nikoloussis2, N. Massouridou1, T. Vavilis1 and E.-N. Emmanouil2

1. Deparment of General Biology and 2. Laboratory of Histology – Embryology & Anthropology, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Citation Frangou, H., Nikoloussis, E., Massouridou, N., Vavilis, T., Emmanouil, E.-N.: Caspase-3 activity in pregnant rat spleen and lymph nodes after treatment with cycloheximide and the development of malignant breast tumor in experimental animals: case report, Epitheorese Klin. Farmakol. Farmakokinet. 22(2): 141-144 (2008)
Publication Date 23-25 May 2008
Full Text Language English
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Keywords Cycloheximide, caspase-3, spleen, lymph nodes, malignant breast tumor.
Other Terms Review article
Summary Cycloheximide (CHX) was found to induce teratogenesis and apoptosis in some cell types, tissues and organs. Although toxic, CHX is used as a pesticide/infecticide drug for plants and fruits. During an extended research protocole we have identified the development of a malignant breast tumor in a rat treated with CHX. Therefore we have tried to investigate the mechanism of action of CHX determining caspase-3 activity in subcellular fractions of spleen and lymph nodes related to the tumor of the rat which presented this tumor during and after gestational period. Caspase-3 activity was determined in crude, nuclear, and cytosolic plus ribosomal fraction of spleen and lymph nodes by a colorimetric assay (kit, Sigma). Our results indicate enhanced caspase-3 activity in subcellular fractions of the above tissues. From our findings we support the theory that CHX may induce apoptosis by enhancing caspase-3 activity in pregnant rat spleen and lymph nodes during malignant breast tumor development.
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