Instructions to Authors

English is the preferred language for all papers. However, papers in French can also be submitted, provided they are accompanied by an English summary. Drugs must be referred to by their generic or chemical name but may be identified by trade name in parenthesis or footnote.

Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics-International Edition requires that all authors / co-authors have an ORCID (a unique researcher identifier) at the time of publication.

The following format should be used for the Manuscripts:

On the first page, the TitleAuthor(s) and the Name of the Institution at which the work was done, the Corresponding Author and the Type of Article (e.g. original paper, review paper, case report).

Key words: A list of key words should be submitted before summary.

Summary: A summary in English (maximum length 250 words) must accompany all manuscripts


Materials and Methods 




Conflicts of Interest

References: These should be numbered in the paper and listed under References in order of their appearance in the text. The author(s) surname followed by the initials should be given first, then the complete title of the article, the name of the Journal or Magazine (according to Vancouver system), the volume number, page numbers and year of publication in parenthesis.

A template available compatible with the Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics-International Edition standards can be downloaded:

Template Review of Clinical Pharmacoloy and Pharmacokinetics, International Edition

Additionally, authors must follow the formatting instructions for their manuscripts:


A Template of Consent form needs to be signed by the authors.

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