Τόμος 1 (1983) – Τεύχος 4 – Άρθρο 7 – Επιθεώρηση Κλινικής Φαρμακολογίας και Φαρμακοκινητικής-Ελληνική Έκδοση – Volume 1 (1983) – Issue 4 – Article 7 – Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias και Farmakokinetikes-Greek Edition

Τίτλος – Title Επίδραση της Κινιδίνης και Χημικώς Συγγενών της φαρμάκων στα Επίπεδα Διγοξίνης του Ορου

The Effect of Quinidine and Drugs with Similar Chemical Structure in Serum Digoxin Concentration

Συγγραφέας – Author Κλέων Γ. Βολιώτης, Κωνσταντίνος Λ. Παπαδόπουλος, Γεώργιος Κ. Σακαντάμης, Νικόλαος Κ. Γκότσης

Α’ Παθολογική Κλινική Ιπποκράτειου Νοσοκομείου Θεσσαλονίκης

C.G. Voliotis, C.L. Papadopoulos, G.C. Sakadamis, N.C. Gotsis

1st Medical Clinic of Hippocration General Hospital of Thessaloniki

Παραπομπή – Citation Βολιώτης, Κ., Παπαδόπουλος, Κ., Σακαντάμης, Γ. και Γκότσης, Ν.: Επίδραση της Κινιδίνης και Χημικώς Συγγενών της φαρμάκων στα Επίπεδα Διγοξίνης του Ορου, Επιθεώρηση Κλιν. Φαρμακολ. Φαρμακοκινητ. 1(4): 308-313 (1983)

Voliotis, C., Papadopoulos, C., Sakadamis, G. and Gotsis, N.: The Effect of Quinidine and Drugs with Similar Chemical Structure in Serum Digoxin Concentration, Epitheorese Klin. Farmakol. Farmakokinet. 1(4): 308-313 (1983)

Ημερομηνία Δημοσιευσης – Publication Date Ιανουάριος 1984 – January 1984
Γλώσσα Πλήρους Κειμένου –
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Ελληνικά – Greek
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Λέξεις κλειδιά – Keywords Κινιδίνη, φάρμακα, διγοξίνη, ορός

Quinidine, drugs,  Digoxin, Serum

Λοιποί Όροι – Other Terms Άρθρο
Περίληψη – Summary The observation, that combined administration of digoxin and quinidine in humans results to an increase in serum digoxin concentration, gave us the opportunity to investigate whether the same phenomenon is caused by other drugs possessing similar chemical structure with quinidine. In four groups of seven patients with unimpaired renal function who were receiving digoxin at a standard maintenance dose, we gave in addition the following drugs, (a) Quinidine: for verification of the above observation, (b) Chloroquine and glaphenine: drugs with common structure element with quinidine the quinoline ring, (c) Ajmaline: with common structure element the quinuclidine ring. The determinations of the serum digoxin concentration (method ELISA), as well as K+ and Na+ were performed prior and after the combined administration of each drug with digoxin. The initial observation, that combined oral administration of digoxin and quinidine increases the serum digoxin concentration, was confirmed. Chloroquine did not exert any influence on the serum digoxin concentration, in contrast with glaphenine and ajmaline, where a 20,5% and 16,6% increase in serum digoxin concentration was observed. No changes in K+ and Na+ values in the patients’ serum were observed. It is concluded that the combined administration of digoxin and quinidine must be avoided, but in cases where it is necessary to give together these drugs, the dose of digoxin must be reduced and the serum digoxin concentration should be monitored. The increase in serum digoxin concentration in case of combined administration with glaphenine or ajmaline sets the question whether there is any pharmacokinetic interaction between digoxin and the above mentioned drugs. The fact that glaphenine can sometimes decrease the glomerular filtration or the ability of tubular secretion, can explain the increase of the serum digoxin concentration. In the case of ajmaline, it could be said that the increase in serum digoxin concentration is due to the quinuclidine ring if we could suggest that this ring inhibits the responsible tubular digoxin-carrier system.
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